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Welcome to the dental practice of Shelly L. Boss.  Dr. Boss and her caring staff pride themselves on providing the highest quality, most comfortable dental care possible...and it shows!

From the minute you walk in the door you will notice the difference.  You will be greeted by a friendly team of professionals who take a genuine interest in you and will treat you like family.

The professionals at Dr. Boss's office take their time with the patients and explain things in simple terms.  They are gentle and caring of their patient's needs.  You will not be "sold" dentistry that you do not need.

The dental care that you do receive will be high-quality.  Dr. Boss is a perfectionist and takes pride in creating beautiful, healthy smiles. When you first visit our office, we take the time to connect with you and your family.  We will listen to you and learn about your previous dental experiences.  Dr. Boss is eager to answer any questions that you may have.

One more thing, if you are nervous about treatment, everyone at Dr. Boss's will help calm your fears.  Our entire dental team is here to do whatever it takes to make your visit the most pleasant dental experience you have ever had!        
We Welcome 
New Patients of All Ages!

4097 Fulton Drive NW Canton, Ohio 44718 (330)492-1730

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